Keeping healthy
The photos below are not a scene from a horror film, they are for real. Antarctica can be a very dangerous place.
As well as frostbite, other problems with living and working in Antarctica include: de-hydration, hypothermia, snow blindness, toothache, sunburn, altitude sickness and skiing accidents.
Antarctica can be a very dangerous place. All staff working for the British Antarctic Survey have to undergo lengthy medical tests before they can work in one of the research stations. Nevertheless, people based in Antarctica still have to take care to avoid some of the risks to their health as evacuation out of there is often impossible.
Imagine you are the doctor on site.
How would you prevent and treat problems like frostbite, de-hydration, hypothermia, snow blindness, toothache, sunburn, altitude sickness and skiing accidents?
Download the information sheet ‘Keeping Healthy’ and decide on what the treatment should be for each ailment.